Day 60.
CAUTION- super crazy ahead. oh yea. you've been warned.
This has been a really rough week. Yes, it is only TUESDAY. I forgot what this time of year was like in elementary. it's tough. I can't want for thanksgiving. mostly cuz I LOVE thanksgiving, it's my favorite. but we all need a break. apparently I need a break from my shift key.. I apologize but I'm too lazy to capitalize things. I'm waiting for my Word auto correct to take care of it for me, but it's not, cuz this isn't sorry.
I got news this week that my instructional coach at the middle school
I used to be at where I used to work...
wait, no. so this is how grammar crazy I am. even though I am not doing a super great job of capitalizing things, I totally just re-wrote that sentence. The sentence with nothing wrong you say? why yes. "the middle school I used to be at," is not completely wrong, but my "where you at" aversion is soo strong, I HAD to go back and rewrite the sentence. I left the original so you could see. (I love the cross through feature). Yes, I'm a nut. And then, I told you about it. Like a crazy person. I need grammar AA.
anyway, moving on.
so my old instructional coach announced she is taking a position in another ISD as a promotion, and I emailed her telling her how excited I was for her.
Just a note. when you get a promotion, and you announce it, and someone expresses to you that they are very happy/excited for you (when they didn't have to say a
nything) it is POLITE to RESPOND and say thank you. (cough cough asshat*cough). *remember like 4 posts ago when i said i was letting him go? yea i totally tried, but this is what happens when he comes back. i get emotionally wrecked, i try, i fail, sue me. I'm working on it. it's still common decency to respond. and not be an asshat.
ANYWAY, I spent quite some time carefully crafting my email, since i found out only because I'm accidently still on her group distribute list from last year and I didn't want her to know that. But i did profusely thank her for my amazing year last year. I hope she responds (like a decent human being, again, looking at you
m asshat person.
) cuz that would make me feel good.
In related news, when you read an email finding out someone's loved one has passed away it is POLITE to RESPOND, that you are sympathetic. it's called manners. this is rude and bitchy and only in here since I am currently pms-ing hard core. Sorry.
I just got lost in my own train of thought and forgot where I was going. This has been happening to me a lot lately.
oh well.
so anyway, all the girls are wearing these adorable and totally covetable tutus to school. I am wicked jealous. there is no way my mom would have ever let me go to school in a tutu and tights,
since tights are not pants, i don't care how old or young you are. I want to go back in time and wear one so bad. I was going to be a toddlers and tiaras pageant princess (ultimate grand supreme of course) for halloween, and bought a tutu, but I was sick with the mini flu (thanks flu mist vaccine!) and was in bed instead. missed my chance.
which brings me to my quote of the day. coveting a 7 year old's outfit, I said, " I am tu-tu old to wear a tutu." which was super funny to my class (and me). and prompted one friend to say, "39 isn't that old. you could wear one." OUCH. Do I look 39? tomorrow is pajama day. I may wear a tutu instead.
good night moon.
p.s. I don't have a tag for "super crazy" or "grammar nazi" (and I refuse to make one) so I'm filing this under White Girl Problems. enjoy.
*update* my old instructional coach DID respond, since she is a good and kind person (STILL looking at you asshat.)
and yes, this post is disjointed. there was another paragraph at first but it involved school business so I took it off to you know, protect my job and all. so sorry. **