I'm pretty sure I jinxed myself by announcing my intention to overhaul the bathroom. Obviously, this has not happened yet. I did do some pretty epic napping this weekend though. It is on the list, and will eventually get done. Just like a million other things that are on the list.
I have tracked the past 2 days. One more day and I get some pizza!! :)
Apparently I need to renew my vehicle registration... I was totally not planning on that at all. I was completely surprised by the renewal notice. My car is only a year old, and since the inspection isn't due for another year I mistakenly thought the registration was good for 2 years too. Guess next week's unemployment check will be going to my car. Yea unexpected expenses!! Being an adult isn't fun yet...
There is news coming, but I refuse to jinx it by publishing before things are more finalized.
Tomorrow is going to be a super long day, so I think it is time to go back to bed. Best thing about bed? Can't eat while sleeping. win!
NEWS?!?! I want to know!!