I have installed the mobile blog app so i can post from my bed. Cuz man, do I love bed.
Day one of "real" back to school was exciting and exhausting.
I officially have no time for:
Laundry (like I did that anyway)
Blogging (we call this irony)
Anything Not on the official inservice schedule or not directly related to setting up my room
I spent this evening cutting coloring and glueing assorted signs for my room. I am exhausted and pretty sure every edge is crooked. My fingers still feel sticky from the glue stick. Someday I will be able to cut a strait line. Today is not that day.
And now my friends, it is time for sleep. I have much more to say, but like I said, no time to blog.
Yawn! :)
someone told me my first year "they'll never notice you didnt finish you entire to-do list" they're mostly excited just to meet you! good luck this week