Friday, August 26, 2011

Week 1

Ok, not gonna lie. Teaching second grade is HARD! But I'm learning to love it and all its challenges. :)

And that's all I'm gonna say about school. Except this - I am so freaking tired!  OK. Moving on.

SO I've been thinking about this blog post for over a week now. I want to talk about "Helpless Housewives" (trademark- do not steal!!). These are the women who marry (mostly into money), don't work, and spend all their time running from hair to nail to gym appointments. Wow, what a hard life. Ok so part of me sort of envies them, what with their no responsibilities, and complete obliviousness to all things related to the real world (like, how much money is in their bank account, or say, what day of the month the electric bill is due, or for that matter, how much it usually is...).

But- I so totally value my independence and I refuse to give it up. Even if it means not getting married right this second like everybody else most people my age. *my close circle of friend would never be helpless housewives, and I am not talking about awesome people I am besties with. duh.* My parents just raised me to be a strong, independent dinosaur who can take care of herself. I'm smart, I'm employed (yea!!), and I can do this. Thank you very much. Please take your white knight complex elsewhere.

Which is why, even though it would totally have been the super easy way out, I refused to let my now ex save me. I wouldn't move in with him. I had to make it through this time on my own. Make my own way. Sometimes this past month I have regretted it. But then I know I wouldn't be teaching second grade, starting a whole new adventure, and know I can handle anything.  So yes, friends, I am single. And happy.  And a second grade teacher.


1 comment:

  1. most of the parents of my students are HH and oh so fun to deal with :) We survived!!! Glad this week went well for u too...I was thinkin' about u
